Support and ticketing

Last modified by Equipe Opération on 12 - 11 - 2018

Ticketing acess

Ticket management is available after finalizing the initial setup. It is the In-Service Support part of your Disaster Recovery Plan.

Accessing the Nuabee DR Dashboard, depending on your access credentials, you have access to the ticketing menu.


Listing tickets

From this view, you can see all the tickets affected to you and the perimeter of your Disaster Recovery.


Tickets can be of the following states 1538659559918-873.png

  • Open
  • Processing (Nuabee is working on a fix and pondering solutions)
  • Solved (might be re-opened if the customers has feedback)
  • Closed (Customer accepted the solution given)
  • Waiting for customer action (The customer has a modification / action to realize on it's infrastructure)

Ticket Creation


During the creation of a ticket, you'll be asked to choose a category :gestion-tickets_2.png

  • Anomaly : In case the backup is not running properly
  • Question : For a technical question revolving around implementation related topic
  • Sales : If you need to ask about licences, consummed storage, billing...
  • Security : toute point autour de la SSI
  • Evolution : toute suggestion pour une évolution d'un des composants de la solution Nuabee
  • Reporting : il s'agit d'une catégorie correspondant à un rapport de PRA (accessible via le menu Test de PRA

Ticketing dashboard

From this page, you'll have access to a synthesis of your tickets.
