Wiki source code of RTO et RPO

Last modified by Equipe Opération on 19 - 04 - 2019

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Equipe Opération 12.1 1 == Definitions ==
Equipe Opération 1.1 2
Equipe Opération 12.1 3 |(% style="text-align:center" %)RTO|(((
4 The **Recovery Time Objective** is the maximum amount of delay that a company deems acceptable in case of disaster and before which the service must be restored.
Equipe Opération 1.1 5
Equipe Opération 12.1 6 This duration is usually specified in hours or minutes.
Equipe Opération 4.2 7 )))
Equipe Opération 12.1 8 |(% style="text-align:center" %)RPO|(((
9 The **Recovery point objective **specifies the amount of work that can be lost in case of a disaster, it is the baseline to define your backup policy by expressing the maximum time that can pass between two backups.
Equipe Opération 4.2 10 )))
Equipe Opération 12.1 11 |DRP|A **Disaster Recovery Plan** must enable a proper business activity recovery (servers, apps, telecommunications) after either a complete or partial disaster having destroyed the protected part of the business.
Equipe Opération 4.2 12
Equipe Opération 3.1 13 (% style="text-align:center" %)
14 [[image:PRA Frise.png]]
Equipe Opération 12.1 16 == Managing RPOs and RTOs in the Nuabee DR Dashboard ==
Equipe Opération 3.1 17
Equipe Opération 12.1 18 You can monitor your KPIs like RTOs and RPOs of you infrastructure in the DR perimeter through the Nuabee DR Dashboard.
Equipe Opération 7.1 19
20 (% style="text-align:center" %)
Equipe Opération 12.1 21 [[image:gestion-tickets_4.png||height="458" width="900"]]
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